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Challenging Assumptions

"Challenging assumptions has been the cornerstone of my experience in the program; I've learned to revisit so much of what I thought I already knew well, both as a math teacher and as a school leader. Whitman (2016), when talking about teachers, says, 'First, teachers tend to teach how they were taught in school. Second, teachers tend to teach to their learning strengths' (Kindle Locations 263-264). I was one of those teachers. I thought about everything in terms of the way I had done it when I was a student, and I assumed every student would benefit from the same things I benefited from. I now see that many teachers do this, especially in a subject like math where the models of teaching and learning haven't changed much. As a school leader, I want to be able to work with my faculty to challenge assumptions and help faculty develop professionally." - Journal Entry Dated May 2, 2018

Learn more about my journey challenging assumptions in mathematics learning.

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